Well , everybody keeps asking me to tell about myself...So I decided to
create a page with the information about myself... To begin with, my name
is Boris and I came from Russia.
What do I like to do? Oh, it's an odd question for me. Better ask what I don't
like to do...
I've been playing the guitar for 3 years and play pretty well
they say.. I also play the banjo , harmonica , pan fluite , piano , but those only a
little bit...I like all kinds of music, except some. I can draw very well , ...I am
designing a tattoos, so if you want to have an original one , you can ask me to design one
for you, maybe I will do it for a change!)...I like to talk to people, especially with
girls (I just like girls more, they can listen better and understand better than some
guys).I get used to trust people , so people trust me (I hope , at least my friends do).
I am a student , but not in an exchage program , my mother was invited to teach some
stuff in Ramapo College of New Jersey, so she took me with her to show the world...
So, here I am !!!:))..When I just came here , I couldn't speak , but after 1,5 months I
was ok...I knew English before, because first of all my mother is an English teacher in
Russia, Dean of Foreign languages School , so I was supposed to knw English...so I knew it
a little, and I was able to understand much , almost everything , but couldn't express
myself , but now I can speak more or less freely...
Tattoos...I never can take resposibility to tatto someone , I can just design a picture
for tattoo , so if you want one , tell me what you want to be there, I'll do it for you
for free , I do this not for money, but for myself now. |